Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Raging Thunder full version for Android

Raging Thunder full version for Android mobile phones is one of the sports-themed games (Racing Game), if you are someone who like playing games, Raging Thunder full versions is perfect for your game collections.
talking about looks, you will not be disappointed with this game that presents 3D graphics, you can play this game in single player (offline) and Multiplayer (online) cool is not it?, this game feels more real with a sensor control so you just have to tilt the phone you as the wheel of your vehicle, cool is not it?
Here you can get the full version, so you can enjoy the full features of this game without buying a license, and certainly you can get this game for free, I have tested this game on the Samsung GT-S5570 Galaxy Mini Android-based froyo 2.2. 1
raging thunder full version for androi galaxy, games, free,

Tags : Raging Thunder for Android, Android Games, Sport games, Android, 3D racing games, Racing Games for android, Racing Car Games android, games for android

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